


By Taylor Woods

If you're going through a divorce, you've probably considered therapy. So what exactly is therapy?

See, I knew you would ask. (Wink-wink)

There are several types of therapy. In fact, it's amazing this one word has been applied to so many different types of activity. The most common therapy is "talking" therapy. Freud is commonly credited with developing this school of thought. In it, a therapist asks questions about issues that affect you, and you then talk about the issue. The idea is that the things you talk about are important and in the process you uncover your subconscious feelings and ideas. The therapist listens for clues and guides you to solving the problem.

Therapy is a method of adapting to changed circumstances and finding new coping mechanisms. It does require active effort and commitment on your part. If you aren't committed to or believe that the therapy you're following will there is a high chance that it won't. Therapy requires you to be open to new possibilities, new ideas about an existing situation. It can be liberating and very refreshing experience.

In therapy you may hear and experience new ideas, some of which are foreign to you existing views. At times, what you say will affect others and that's OK. There will be times when you will admit mistakes you've made and other times you'll celebrate achievements you may have not given yourself credit for, till now. There are other types of therapy that are outside the scope of this short article but if you're significantly bothered by an emotional or stressful issue it might be a good idea to find a therapy that works for you. Michael AT

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